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Richard Hales

The Lightroom J Trick


There are various versions of this quick and easy contrast fix for Lightroom doing the rounds on the internet (I got the inspiration from Mastin Labs’ post) and its about Tip Squirrel had their very own version of it! This contrast fix isn’t for every image but is really helpful on those tricky flat images that don’t want to play ball. And, secondly, this “fix” works best with RAW images. [More]

OnOne Perfect Photo Suite 8 – The Verdict


First up, this application works as a standalone or with Lightroom, Photoshop, Photoshop Elements or Aperture and there are three purchasing options, the Premium Edition works with all of the above and as a standalone, the Lightroom and Aperture version works with those two applications, Elements and as a standalone and the Standard version is a standalone only. Currently prices for the Premium edition are discounted to $179.95 (approx. £110 on 9/12/13) for new users and $99.95 (approx. £61 on 9/12/13) for an upgrade. There is a free 30 day trial available too from http://www.ononesoftware.com/products/suite8/ [More]

Photosmith 2 – A Review


Photosmith is an iPad app that claims to be the ‘bridge’ between Lightroom and the photographer allowing them to sort, keyword and organise photographs ‘in the field or when traveling’ and even when ‘hiding from the rain under an awning in Bogota’ when ‘even a slim notebook is unwieldy’. The app works with JPEG and RAW files and integrates wirelessly with Lightroom. [More]

Silver Efex Pro Control Points – An Apology


In one of my previous tutorials on Silver Efex Pro I may have given the impression that I wasn’t too impressed with control points, I think I may even have used the phrase “I don’t think the control points work very well in SilverEfex and never use them!” Oh dear, what a muppet. I was, of course, wrong and its not very often you’ll hear me say that according to my wife and I apologise for misleading you. That isn’t to say that they are a panacea but they are pretty damn good. [More]

Create a Copyright Preset in Lightroom


Its a new year so time for something that’s good for you but not necessarily fun, sorry. You’ve probably let the new year’s resolution for keywording slip already so here’s something that [More]

Advanced Black and White in Photoshop


This month’s tutorial is going to be an in-depth look at a black & white photograph that was used in one of my tutorials on black & white conversion earlier this year. I recently showed [More]

Correcting Cross Balanced Images in Lightroom


Ever had one of those images where whatever you do with the White Balance sliders in Lightroom you can never get it just right? Its a problem I get a lot working as a wedding photographer especially [More]

Black and White with SilverEfex Pro 2


I currently use SilverEfex Pro, although Nik have released a SilverEfex Pro 2 which I’ve downloaded a trial of for the purposes of this tutorial. I’m still undecided whether to upgrade to the new version, but hopefully by the time I’m finished writing Ii’ll have made my mind up if I need to put my money down. [More]

Digital Diffusion with Photoshop


Following on from last month’s tutorial on Recreating Lith Grain, I’m going to show you how to recreate another darkroom effect in Photoshop. The effect were’re recreating, diffusing the [More]

Adding a Vignette Layer with Photoshop


Vignettes are a bit of a Marmite addition to an image, you either love them or hate them. However, if used carefully they can be a useful tool to help lead the viewer’s eye to an area of a [More]
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