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White Out Restoration


How faded is too faded? How do you know when an image can be brought back? Unless an image is solid white or solid black, you don’t know until you try! How about one as badly faded as this one? Can you bring anything back? [More]

Lightening Up A Dark Image with Photoshop


In a perfect world your old photographs will always be out of a frame, or can be easily removed, in great shape and you’ll always have the most perfect equipment. Unfortunately, for most of us [More]

Receding Background


Here’s a super simple way to add a little depth to an old image just by making certain elements stand out from the rest. [More]

To The Max


Do you use Photoshops Maximum filter? Did you even know there was a Maximum filter in Photoshop? If so, you win a gold star! If not, you should; it may actually come in handy some day! Lines in [More]

Color Balance Correction


Ask what adjustment they think of when they hear “color correction in Photoshop” and most people will answer “Curves”. Nothing wrong with that, I pretty much always use it myself, either [More]

Photoshop Restoration – A Real World Walkthrough


Practically every decade has a signature look when it comes to portraits, not only due to the fashions of the time, but of the lighting and style of the photography. Today we’ll turn an ordinary black & white into a portrait reminiscent of the glamour portraits of the 30’s and 40’s popularized by George Hurrell. [More]

All Kinds of Flips


I used to run around like a chicken with my head cut off looking for images with obliterated eyes to practice flipping off…I mean flipping eyes, but then it hit me, duh! [More]

Rebuilding From (Practically) Nothing


Janine’s latest course at Lynda.com is; Photoshop Elements 9: Scanning and Restoring Photos Click here for a 7-day free trial and give it a go! [Authors note: The image used in this article is not [More]

Keeping Things in Perspective


When you’re taking images of pictures on walls for archival or restoration purposes, be sure to take several shots from different angles so you have a better chance of combining them into a great [More]

Simple Stain Remover in Photoshop


You’re stumped, you’ve met your match, you don’t know what to do – have you ever felt like that when you see a photo, or a particular area on a photo? I’m sure you have! I know I have, and [More]

Fixing Faded Historical Photos


A common problem with old black-and-white or sepia-toned photos is that they fade over time. You can use a Levels or Curves adjustment to improve contrast, but both commands often introduce color artefacts into the image. A few extra steps are needed to get the best results when you want to restore proper balance to an old photo. [More]
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