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Quick selection

Improve Quick Selections with Photoshop Refine Edge


Today we'll examine how the Refine Edge command (also available as the "Mask Edge" command when working with layer masks in the Properties panel) can further improve our selections. While Quick Selection is fast and useful for selecting items that contrast strongly with surrounding elements in the frame, sometimes your subject may blend in with other elements. [More]

Smart Brush and the Quick Selection Tool in Photoshop Elements


Elements really has come of age recently and the release of Elements 9 with all its improvements and new features makes it a consideration of both amateur and professional photographers. In this video Gavin Hoey shows us one feature of Elements that makes editing images that much easier, the Smart Brush. [More]

Rough Selection Adjustments


I like it when I get told something and I slap my forehead and say “of course” and changes the way I use Photoshop. Here’s one such thing;  I was making adjustments, say hue and saturation, [More]