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Develop Preset Efficiency in ACR and Lightroom


Develop presents in Lightroom or Camera Raw can be more than just a pretty effect. They can help do the heavy lifting or the monotonous processing, so you can focus your energy in more interesting areas. [More]

Taming your Photoshop Presets


Do you suffer from unsightly, bulging panels? Are your pickers bursting at the seams? Would you like to shed a few hundred items but still be able to enjoy a healthy choice of custom presets? [More]

Take Control of your Photoshop Brushes!


Are you tired of the hunt and peck method of finding your favorite Photoshop brushes? Learn to organize and save your favorite brushes with Preset Manager. With you could save an entire palette of brushes with color and opacity preset? You can, and today we'll see how using Tool Presets. [More]

Create a Copyright Preset in Lightroom


Its a new year so time for something that’s good for you but not necessarily fun, sorry. You’ve probably let the new year’s resolution for keywording slip already so here’s something that [More]

Creating a Soft Vintage Photo Effect in Adobe Lightroom 3


In this tutorial I’m taking a break from my usual Photoshop Elements techniques and instead, switching to Lightroom 3; where I’ll be demonstrating how to convert a modern colour image into a low-quality vintage photo. We’ll be using a variety of features found in the Develop module to desaturate and soften the image, add grain and a rounded border, and finally create a preset enabling us to apply the effect on different images with the click of a mouse. [More]

Editing Eyes in Lightroom


One of the things I love about Lightroom is the flexibility of the Adjustment brushes. Most people know how to dodge or burn an area of the photo with these adjustment brushes but are maybe unaware [More]