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30 Second Photoshop – Check and Gingham Patterns


Great for backgrounds, borders and digital scrapbooking check and Gingham patterns are easy to make in Photoshop And Photoshop Elements... once you know how. To get it in in 30 seconds I go through this a bit quick, but feel free to hit the pause button should you want to follow along. [More]

Making a Zig Zag Pattern in Photoshop


Recently I was asked about making a Photoshop document with an editable zig zag pattern so I set off looking into using the pen tool and all manner of shenanigans, then I thought about using filter, here's what I came up with; [More]

Adjustable Patterns in Photoshop


Filling an area with patterns in Photoshop is a one-way street, and you're at the mercy of the pattern designer as to the scale of the results you'll get. Ordinary pattern fills are not scalable, in fact, there is no control or setting at all for a pattern fill. Use the Pattern Overlay layer style for a more customizable pattern fill. [More]