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Photoshop Blur Gallery – Path Blur


Blur, the nemesis of all photographers, but there’s times when adding it can really make a difference, in this tutorial I take a look at Path Blur, one of the latest additions to Photoshop's Filter menu; [More]

Photoshop Shape on a Path


In this video I take a look at a new(ish) feature of Photoshop 2014, adding a shape or pattern to a path. It has many uses from borders to coupons but in this example I plot out a path on a map. [More]

Pen Tool in Photoshop – Smooth Curves


We’ve been chipping away at the Pen Tool in Photoshop, and in this part 4 of our series, we finally begin to draw curved paths, freeform, with the Pen Tool. Learning to use control points and control handles requires some practice and some experience, but with the knowledge base from the first three segments in this series, we’re ready to tackle curved paths. [More]

Pen Tool in Photoshop–Straight Paths


In part 2 of my series on using the Pen Tool within Photoshop, we finally do break out the Pen Tool, and start drawing straight line paths. Learn how to place and modify corner anchor points, and how to close a path. With the closed path, we'll learn how to save the path, load the path as a selection and use it as a layer mask. [More]

Pen Tool in Photoshop – Path Fundamentals


In this series of videos, we are going to work our way from the basics to pen tool mastery, but we need to start with the fundamentals. In fact, in this video, I’m not even going to use the pen tool. Instead, we’ll spend our time understanding how paths work in Photoshop, so that when we do start using the pen tool, we’ll be on familiar ground. [More]

Photoshop Transform Tips and Tricks


In this video I explore the uses of the Photoshop Transform command to help lay out the framework for a dartboard. The transform command is used to correctly space all the wires and to keep all the circles concentric. [More]

Mixed Masking in Photoshop


In our last installment, we looked at masking with the pen tool in Photoshop. The pen tool is a powerful way to create nice smooth paths – which can be used to create nice, smooth selections and [More]

Creating Dashed and Dotted Lines in Photoshop


The more I play around with Photoshop CS6, the more I like all the great new capabilities that have been added to this amazing program. Did you know, that in Photoshop CS6, shape layers are a thing of the past, replaced in their entirety by vector layers? This is a tremendously powerful feature, which we will explore in detail over many tutorials in the future. For today, we’ll focus on a small new feature, but one which solves a big problem that has existed forever in Photoshop – how to create a dashed or dotted line. [More]

Stroke Path With Brush – Extra


In this video I take a look at an old favourite Stroke Path With Brush. This time though I go a little further and experiment with more options. I admit, I love using this feature and may have been a [More]

Tangled Webs: Combine and Simplify Paths


In previous tips here on TipSquirrel, we’ve looked at various ways of creating and modifying paths in Photoshop. Today, we’ll explore methods for combining paths using the interaction modes in [More]

Editing shapes in Photoshop


In this week’s tip, we’ll look at some fast and easy ways to start with existing shapes (vector paths) in Photoshop, apply some quick modifications, and make the shapes into your own unique [More]

Vector Masks in Photoshop


In last week’s post on TipSquirrel, we started looking at drawing with shapes and paths in Photoshop. In the interest of getting our toes wet, so to speak, we looked at the shape tools, and saw [More]
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