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Boundary Warp in Photoshop and Lightroom 


In this quick tip video I take a look at Boundary Warp in Photoshop and Lightroom. For those shooting panoramas it can make a lot of difference to your final piece. If you’d like to see a text [More]

Photoshop Problem Panoramas


In this video Gavin comes across a a problem when Photoshop puts together his panorama, knowing how the panorama works and where the settings are soon makes light work of putting things right. [More]

Lightroom and Photoshop – Creating Panoramas


Once you have the images imported into Lightroom, you can send them directly into Photoshop from Lightroom with a click of a menu; it’s easy. And the advantage here is that once you save from Photoshop, your newly created panoramic image is imported automatically back into Lightroom’s catalog. Lightroom and Photoshop cooperate well together in many ways! [More]

Easily Manage the Size of Your Panorama with Photoshop CC


When you’re putting together a panorama you might find that the final image is way bigger than you’d have hoped for. Adobe Camera RAW has always allowed you to reduce the size of your images before importing but with the new Photoshop CC we’re given even more control. [More]

Panorama and Content Aware Fill for Photoshop Elements 9


When Photoshop CS5 was released one of the stand out new features was Content Aware Fill. This function could be used to remove unwanted objects or, as we see here, fill empty space around a panorama with new content. Photoshop Elements 9 came shortly after and boasted the Content Aware Spot Healing brush but not Content Aware Fill, so there’s no way of filling in those blank spaces in panoramas right? [More]

Mastering the Photomerge Command (Part 2)


The following tutorial is adapted from the book Motion Graphics with Adobe Creative Suite 5 Studio Techniques from Adobe Press. This is the second part of the tutorial. Be sure to check out part 1 [More]

Zoomify your Panoramas in Photoshop


Over the past few version updates, Adobe has given us a Photoshop capable of creating some magnificent large images using the Merge to Panorama feature. Creating these images can give you quite a [More]