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Noise Reduction

Macphun Noiseless – First Look


Noise has been a bette-noir of the digital photographer since the first digital images were created and it persists to this day even with the massive strides the camera companies have made with technology to minimise it. All that said the problem is still out there and evident in every camera from the high-end DSLR through to your smartphone camera. [More]

Noise Reduction in Lightroom 5


It’s inevitable when you’re making digital photographs that you are going to encounter digital noise. Noise in an image is the result of variability in the light level readings from one sensor pixel to the next. Even the best quality sensors will produce some level of noise, and the noise will be amplified under certain conditions. Fortunately, with Lightroom, we have built-in noise reduction capability, and the performance is exceptionally good. [More]

Remove noise from video in Adobe Camera RAW


With almost every DSLR now able to shoot amazing HD video, the worlds of stills photography and video are getting ever closer. Coming from a photographic background can be extremely useful when moving in to video. Both mediums require skills like composition, exposure control and understanding depth of field however there some things stills photographers take for granted that videographers do not. [More]

Noise and Sharpening in Lightroom


This will be a quick and short tutorial today, to show you the benefits of a sharpening mask within Lightroom. I have had a couple of  people ask me about noise in high ISO images and how to [More]

Photoshop CS5 – Camera Raw 6.0


In this video Justin shows us some of the new features of Camera Raw 6.0, exploring the new Noise Reduction section. More from Justin on Twitter, and  Facebook Justin’s CS5 Training [More]