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Michael Hoffman

Lightroom Catalog Cloud Backup


With all the cloud backup solutions available today, you have access to lots of free online storage. Be it Dropbox, SpiderOak, Amazon Cloud Drive, Google Drive, Skydrive… you have access to many gigabytes of storage in the cloud. Why not use some of it to back up your Lightroom catalog? It's easy, and it's a good way to keep your backup. [More]

3D in Photoshop CS6 – Materials Properties


In the conclusion of this segment, we will look at assigning and modifying properties of 3D objects to define transparency and reflections. We'll create a reflection on the ground plan, and make some basic adjustments to the light in the image to soften the shadows. If you missed the first part, you can find it in my post on 3D in Photoshop – Combining Objects. [More]

3D in Photoshop CS6–Combining Objects


In our continuing series on 3D in Photoshop CS6, we look at combining multiple 3D objects into a composite model. We'll create and combine separate 3D extrusions, and prepare our model for the addition of photo-realistic materials in the next episode [More]

3D in Photoshop CS6 – Extrusions


Extrusions are a useful and fun way to create 3D objects in Photoshop CS6. In this tutorial, we'll cover the basics of creating and manipulating an extruded object in Photoshop CS6. [More]

3D in Photoshop CS6–Creating 3D Objects


Mike Hoffman continues his series of tutorials on 3D within Photoshop. Any 3D scene in Photoshop starts with some basic elements. In this video, learn the essential ways to create 3D primitive objects within Photoshop CS6. [More]

3D in Photoshop CS6 – 3D Basics


Photoshop CS6 makes creating and using 3D objects easier than ever. In order to become proficient with 3D, you have to master the basics. In this first video of an ongoing series, we'll explore the fundamentals of 3D and the Photoshop 3D workspace. [More]

Photoshop Guides and Rulers


Learn to use Guides and Rulers in Photoshop to accurately and precisely place and align images and objects. Guides are essential when exact measurements or precise alignment is required. [More]

A Kinder, Gentler HDR in Photoshop CS6


HDR doesn't have to be gritty, edgy, with radioactive colors. At its heart, HDR is a technique that can allow you to more accurately capture the images you see - as long as you aren't too heavy-handed with the controls. [More]

Image Variations with Photoshop Gradient Maps


If you look in Photoshop’s Adjustments Panel, right at the very bottom, in the last position, is the really technical sounding “Gradient Map.” If you haven’t seen this adjustment in action, or known what it can do, you’d be entirely likely to pass right over it – it sounds complicated. But, it isn’t. Gradient Maps are one of the simplest ways of toning or tinting an image. In fact, if you like to tinker with your image, searching for a certain “look,” the Gradient Map can provide a seemingly endless train of color variations, all with a few clicks. Let’s see how it works. [More]

The 3D Ground Plane in Photoshop CS6 Extended


When the 3D Ground Plane first made its appearance in Photoshop CS5 Extended, it was slightly useful, a little bit tricky, and very much hidden from view. With CS6, Adobe brings us a more useful design element - one that catches shadows, and casts reflections - and all in real time while you edit. This makes it an interactive tool that is both easy to use and effective in bringing added realism to your composites. [More]

Orton Effect with Photoshop Smart Filters


The key feature of the Orton effect is an overexposed image containing the detail, in good focus, sandwiched together with a second overexposed copy containing the color information, out of focus. With slides, the out of focus layer would also be overexposed, but combining the two slides (or three) has a darkening effect that counteracts the overexposed look of the individual slides. Here's how we can achieve it in Photoshop easily. [More]

Splitting 3D Text in Photoshop CS6


Photoshop CS6 brings us a great new 3D interface, with a great deal of new capability for working with our 3D objects. One new feature is the ability to split apart text into separate letters after the 3D text has been created. In today’s video, you’ll learn how to create 3D text, and how to split it apart. [More]

Adjustable Patterns in Photoshop


Filling an area with patterns in Photoshop is a one-way street, and you're at the mercy of the pattern designer as to the scale of the results you'll get. Ordinary pattern fills are not scalable, in fact, there is no control or setting at all for a pattern fill. Use the Pattern Overlay layer style for a more customizable pattern fill. [More]

Photoshop 3D Wireframes as Design Elements


Photoshop’s 3D capabilities in the Extended version have been getting better with each version, but sometimes it is the basics that can contribute to an interesting design element, and [More]

Working with Image Stacks in Lightroom


In a recent tutorial here on TipSquirrel, we looked at a technique to Automatically Stack Lightroom Images. In that tutorial, we touched on a powerful tip for setting up stacks in Lightroom, but [More]
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