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Adding Rim Light with Photoshop


When you’re compositing with Photoshop you’ll often be adding a light source or two, sometimes the light will come from behind. To ‘sell’ the effect you may want to add a rim light. In [More]

Lightroom Radial Filter Lighting Effects


The Radial Filter in Lightroom has been around for the past few versions, and as a local adjustment, it seems straightforward. Click and drag a circular area, and you can create a vignette – and the vignette doesn’t have to be centered in the image. However, the Radial Filter has a much broader capability as a creative tool. With its soft edges and configurable effects, you can create a variety of lighting effects. In this video, we take day to night and add some dramatic spotlight effects using the Radial Filter in Lightroom. [More]

Lighting Effects in Photoshop CC


The lighting effects filter in Photoshop has come a long way, and it borrows many concepts from the world of 3D. However, you don't need 3D to create some very dramatic lighting effects very quickly with this often overlooked filter. [More]

Image Based 3D Lights in Photoshop


Photoshop CS6 and later offers the traditional light sources for your 3D models: infinite lights, point lights, and spot lights, all fully customizable. However, there's another kind of light - an "image based light," or IBL - that has some special features. We can use any image as a light source, and in doing so, we can help our 3D model to more closely match the colors of its environment, adding an extra touch of realism. [More]

Lighting 3D in Photoshop CS6


In a continuation of my series on learning 3D in Photoshop CS6 today's topic is lighting your models. Learn the different types of lights that are available in Photoshop's 3D space, and how to control and manipulate them for best effect. [More]