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How To Create A Rippling Flag Using The Displace Filter In Adobe Photoshop


In this tutorial we'll be creating the effect of a rippling flag using custom artwork and one of Photoshop's oldest distortion filters, Displace. The filter uses a monochrome image map to distort the pixels of the target layer based on the tones of the map. The brighter or darker the tone, the more the pixels of the image are pushed horizontally or vertically. This is great for creating the appearance of an object or text following the contours of a texture. [More]

Advanced Compositing With The PixelSquid 3D Photoshop Extension


In this tutorial we'll look at the advanced features of the plugin, where we can import a high-resolution layered Photoshop PSD file that replaces the low-resolution preview. As well as being highly detailed, the PSD version gives us the ability to blend the 3D object into the scene using specially created layers that allow us to easily control the colour and tone as well as being able to quickly select and adjust the different components of the object. [More]

Creating a Glittery Text Effect in Adobe Photoshop


Inspiration often comes from things we've seen as we go about out day-to-day business; posters, TV and printed ads, etc. I was in town the other day and noticed a poster in a bus shelter for a soft drink. The ad headline featured a fancy glittery text effect. I took a photo with my phone for reference and set about seeing what I could come up when I got back to the computer. I wanted to make sure it was easy to create and versatile enough to apply in different situations. [More]

Let It Snow With Photoshop


‘Tis the time for snow and Christmas cheer, as such I thought I’d show you how to fake snow. Step 1. Download a good snowy picture – we used this one here Add a Levels Adjustment Dialogue [More]

Simple Grunge Text in Photoshop


This month I thought I’d show you how to make a simple grunge effect for text using a very simple technique utilising a very powerful feature found in the Layer Styles dialogue box. Step 1. [More]

Warhol-Style Pop-Art Effect with Photoshop Elements


In this tutorial we’ll use Photoshop Elements to create an effect similar to Andy Warhol’s iconic pictures of Marilyn Monroe, Elizabeth Taylor et al. We’ll use layers and blend modes to build up the effect, making it easy to correct mistakes or change the look at a later stage. [More]

Fixing Faded Historical Photos


A common problem with old black-and-white or sepia-toned photos is that they fade over time. You can use a Levels or Curves adjustment to improve contrast, but both commands often introduce color artefacts into the image. A few extra steps are needed to get the best results when you want to restore proper balance to an old photo. [More]

Quick Tone Photoshop Technique


In this video tutorial,The Restorationist Janine Smith takes a restoration project and uses a combination of curves and Blend mode to bring out the detail of her image. [More]

Colour Correction using Lab Colour mode


Last month, Scot showed how to boost colour contrast using the Lab colour space. This week he stays within LAB, and looks at a simple colour correction. The original image is a mix of flash and a rather warm background light, creating a mixed balance of light throughout the image. [More]
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