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The Unsung Hero of the Latest Photoshop Update. Thanks John Nack


The latest Photoshop update has caused a lot of interest, and why not, the list of updates is pretty impressive! You can find list below of some of the major updates, but there’s one on the list, tucked right at the bottom, that I’ve be dreaming of since goodness knows when! I remember the then Principal Product Manager at Adobe John Nack telling Bert Monroy on his Pixelperfect podcast that this feature was coming soon… if memory serves this was in 2009, when CS4 was the current version. But, true to his word, we got it, and although Mr Nack is no longer at Adobe I’d like to thank him for getting it started… [More]

Steamy Window Effect in Photoshop


In this tutorial I’ll show you how to create the impression of looking through a steamy, misted up window. We’ll use a bunch of standard Photoshop filters including the Fibres and Diffuse Glow effects. If you’ve never used those before you’re not alone but it’s never too late to discover their power. [More]

Tis The Season – Holiday Photo Clinic


Join Rich as he tackles 12 holiday images. This in-depth class will show you how to fix both standard and advanced problems that often plague holiday photos. With almost an hour of tuition Rich shares some great techniques that will be handy all year! [More]

Using 3D Objects in Photoshop


Photoshop's 3D Engine is very flexible. It allows you to transform layers three dimensionally. More importantly, it lets you create new 3D elements including primitive shapes (such as cones or spheres). You can also make complex elements can be created using grayscale meshes. [More]

Photoshop Crop Tool Tips


In a previous TipSquirrel article I explained how to size images for print & web. As a matter of practice, I use the Crop Tool when I want to quickly make adjustments to image or canvas size. Here are some of my favorite tips: Resample an Image to Size [More]

Auto Select and Transform Controls


The Move tool is probably one of the most selected tools, but have you ever stopped to look at the options to the left of the contextual menu? Those ones to the right do all kinds of aligning but [More]

Adobe Quick Tip Thursday


Greetings all! Just some quick tips today as I'm getting myself together for this weekend's D2W conference. As always we're talking Photoshop so let's throw out the tips: 1. Did you know you can use your keyboard's Numeric Keypad to change a Layer's opacity? Dial 0-9 to get 100% through 90% opacity. Dial two digits (54) to get 54% opacity. USEFUL TIP - If you're using a brush-based tool you'll change the brush opacity INSTEAD of the Layer opacity. [More]