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Layer Styles

Multiple Layer Styles in Photoshop


It use to be that if you wanted to add more than one Stroke, Drop Shadow, Gradient overlay and other Layer Effects that you’d have to convert the effects to layers of their own and add another [More]

X-Ray Double Exposure in Photoshop


In this tutorial we’ll learn how to us the power of Adobe Photoshop to create a cool X-Ray style double exposure image showing the outline of the outside of a building, but revealing [More]

Create a Dancing Shadow in Photoshop


Here’s a nifty little tutorial for you. I’ll show you how to add a little extra to your photos with a quirky shadow that can represent the person photographed. I’ve used this a few [More]

Create A Template To Display Your Image As A Mounted Canvas In Photoshop


Today’s Photoshop tutorial will show you how to create a custom reusable template to display your images as though they have been wall-mounted and photographed in situ. There are many reasons you might want to create an image like this, Here, we’ll be creating the effect of a canvas print but the technique could easily be adapted to make framed prints as well. The secret behind the technique is the use of Smart Objects, which enables us to quickly change the image being displayed, whilst retaining the shadows and effects used to make the canvas. [More]

Animate Photoshop Layer Styles to Make a Channel Bug


A channel bug sits in a corner of the screen and acts as a little 'watermark' or ident for your video. They're really easy to make and just as easy to animate using Photoshop CC or Photoshop Extended. In this video I show you how! [More]

Photoshop: Layer Styles on a Group


Did you know that you can add Layer Styles to a group of layers? As of Photoshop CS6, you can! In this video I take a look at just some of the benefits, [More]

Single Image Collage in Photoshop


Starting with a single image in Photoshop, we can create the illusion of a casually stacked collage of smaller snapshots. It's a great look for event and vacation images! [More]

Format Text In Photoshop With Kerning and Tracking


Photoshop does a great job of formatting text and can be quite intuitive. Sometimes however you have to get stuck in a finesse it yourself. In this Photoshop tutorial video, I take a look at kerning and tracking before finishing off the text effect with a few Layer Styles and Blend Mode combinations. [More]

Create An Alphabet Soup Text Effect In Photoshop


In this video I create an Alphabetti Spaghetti, or Alphabet Soup tpy text effect using just one Filter and a few instances of Bevel and Emboss. The Action created in this tutorial can be downloaded by sharing this post via the buttons below the video [More]

Creating a Glittery Text Effect in Adobe Photoshop


Inspiration often comes from things we've seen as we go about out day-to-day business; posters, TV and printed ads, etc. I was in town the other day and noticed a poster in a bus shelter for a soft drink. The ad headline featured a fancy glittery text effect. I took a photo with my phone for reference and set about seeing what I could come up when I got back to the computer. I wanted to make sure it was easy to create and versatile enough to apply in different situations. [More]

Creating a Chiseled Text Effect in Photoshop and Photoshop Elements


We'll be using Photoshop layer styles to achieve the effect as well as the somewhat obscure Type Mask tool. If you're not familiar with this tool, it's a little like a cross between the Type tool and Quick Mask; we can type our text as usual but when it's committed, instead of creating a layer with the text it creates a selection; this is perfect for the technique as we do not need to work on the text directly. You can follow the original tutorial using the link above but change the dimensions to 1000x200 pixels to create the correct document size. If you don't want to start the image from scratch, it can be downloaded here. [More]
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