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Installing Photoshop Kuler Panel and Why You Need It


Some readers might remember that I wrote about bringing Kuler color themes into Photoshop some time ago, it was a real frustration that to me, and I dare say many others, that you couldn't connect to you own Kuler themes directly from Photoshop. Well, I'm pleased to say those days are over! [More]

Importing Kuler Themes into Photoshop


If, like me you’ve fallen in love with the Adobe Kuler mobile app (iOS) you may have gotten frustrated that you can’t import the themes into Photoshop, they are after all .ase files, for Illustrator right? Good news! You can bring them into Photoshop. [More]

Photoshop CS6 – Kuler


In this post, Howard introduces us to the power of Kuler. If you're looking for a color theme for your projects, look no further than Kuler, it’s built right into Photoshop and is a great extension! [More]