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Filter Your Photos in Lightroom


If you’re a regular Lightroom user then you’ll know just how fast your Lightroom Catalogue can grow. It’s not unusual to find photographers with tens of thousands of images in a single [More]

A further look at Keywords within Lightroom


One of the most tedious tasks with maintaining a large catalog of images is maintaining the list of keywords and applying the right keywords to an image. Following on from the great tutorials of my [More]

Lightroom Organization with Smart Collections


If you’ve been following my past couple of tips on Tagging your Lightroom Images with Keywords, and Organizing and Searching in Lightroom with Keywords, you are well-prepared for this week’s tip. [More]

Tag Your Images–Keywords in Lightroom


Today’s tip is one that grew in the telling. When I sat down to create today’s tutorial, I had originally intended to discuss Collections in Lightroom, as a great way to organize your images. [More]