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inner glow

Quick Tip – 3 Easy Ways to Shade a Shape


Adding highlights and shadows to your shapes can give them depth and form. Here I try to give you an overview of three of the easiest ways to to this. Using just Layer Styles I’ll quickly run [More]

Light Writing with Photoshop


DSLR cameras are fantastic, you can do some great things with them – one of my favourite effects are slow shutter speed photos with cool light trails. These have recently been used in the TalkTalk [More]

Photoshop Blend Mode Basics – Part 3


By Mike Hoffman Thank you all for welcoming me back to TipSquirrel.com! This week, we’re going to continue our exploration of blend modes in Photoshop. In the past two installments, we reviewed [More]

When Inner Shadow Just Won’t Do


There are times when an inner shadow looks like thats what I’m after but it doesn’t quite do what I want. That’s when I like to turn to inner glow. To use inner glow as a shadow is easy, [More]