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Lightroom History and Snapshots


History and Snapshots are two Lightroom tools that work well together. Learn how to take advantage of the History Panel, and how to avoid losing your history states and save them permanently with a snapshot. [More]

Using Non-Linear History in Photoshop


The History panel within Photoshop is something most users have made us of in their workflows. One of the most common things I see happen with beginners is accidentally erasing History Steps (aka History States). This generally happens when someone clicks a Snapshot not realizing that can erase History, or more often someone chooses a previous step and does something new. If you add non-linear history to your workflow that's a quick way to keep as much of your history as you've set in your preferences. Enjoy! [More]

1838 Window to the Past


There is one particular daguerreotype that has always fascinated me. It was taken by Louis Daguerre himself, and is the very first photograph known to show a human being! This photo was taken in 1838. 1838!! That’s 173 years old!! Think about how amazing that is: a photograph taken a mere fifty-five years after the American Revolution and [...] [More]