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Quickly Spot Mistakes in Your Photoshop Masks


If you do any kind of Photoshop work using selections and cutouts, you'll know how important it is to be as accurate as possible, particularly when working with images of people. It's easy to miss areas of an object when using the Quick Selection tool, especially when working in intricate areas such as hands, bits of clothing and so on; irregularities can stick out like a sore thumb - or a missing one. They also have a habit of only showing themselves after we think we've finished the cutout, or worse still, we don't notice them at all! [More]

Creating Fake Highlights with Photoshop


Now of course there's nothing better than getting things right 'in camera' but when it comes to the lighting, what are you supposed to do after the fact when you maybe want to add some highlights or even tweak those that are already there? Well here's a technique for doing just that…for adding in or tweaking highlights, and it's one I tend to use on a fairly regular basis when putting together composites; however it's also a technique that can be used in any image and what's more it's quick and easy to apply. [More]

Shadow and Highlights with Adobe Camera Raw


In this follow-up to last week’s video, Rich Harrington teaches us how to fix clipped shadows, overblown highlights, and soft detail when working with photos shot under low lift conditions. [More]