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Multiple Layer Styles in Photoshop


It use to be that if you wanted to add more than one Stroke, Drop Shadow, Gradient overlay and other Layer Effects that you’d have to convert the effects to layers of their own and add another [More]

Using Photoshop Shapes to Make Apple Maps Type Pins


In this video I’ll use Photoshop shape capabilities to make Apple Maps typpe of pin to add to my image. I’ll use stroke, gradient, stroke positioning and many other settings as well as some handy tips on manipulating paths. As always I’d love to see your images using this technique! [More]

Create A Holiday Desktop in Photoshop


In this tutorial, Rich works start to finish in Photoshop to create a Holiday themed desktop. In his workflow he demonstrates, among other things, LUTs and Gradients. You can work along with Rich by [More]

Using the Photoshop Masks Panel


In the past several tips I’ve explored ever more deeply into the art of creating selections. Of course, one of the primary uses of selections is to create a mask, in order to non-destructively hide [More]

Photoshop Exploding Text (Sort Of)


I’d like to continue my TS tutorials with a text effect I like, its fairly simple but looks effective. Step 1. We start by making a 1000×1000 pixel document – we have to have a square [More]

Introducing the Luminosity Blend Mode


Whether you produce your images for web or for print, at some point you’ll want to sharpen the images for output. Sharpening, as we’ve discussed in earlier tips, is a process in which the [More]

Creative Differences


Last week we looked at some practical and very utilitarian ways to take advantage of Difference blend modes in Adobe Photoshop. Today, we’re going to take a 180 degree turn and look at some ways of [More]

3D Glass Ball using Layer Styles


By: Rebecca Fryer In this tutorial it’s my aim to take you through the process of creating a convincing 3D Glass Ball using basic layer styles and gradients. Step One: Basic Shape & Fill [More]

Color Grading with Gradient Maps


by Richard Harrington – RHED Pixel – @rhedpixel Like many folks, I like to experiment with color. Duotones, like ‘em. Romantic color effects, check. Crunchy color, I’m game. There are times [More]