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Create 3D Glass Text in Photoshop


  Following on from my last post where I showed you to how to move text to an existing ground plane, in this video I make some glass effect 3D text. I also recorded a video for [More]

Cutting Glass from a White Background in Photoshop


Have you tried shooting glass products on a white background? Shoot it too dark and the glass looks muddy grey, shoot it too light and it is impossible to cut out the product from the background. This tutorial will show you how to find those edges for selection using the new Dehaze tool in Adobe Camera Raw (or Lightroom) [More]

Photoshop Coloured Lighting into a Scene


In this video Photoshop tutorial aimed and beginners and intermediate users of Photoshop I add some colour to a reflection of a window. The work a long files nostainedglass.jpg and colouredwindow.jpg [More]

3D Glass Ball using Layer Styles


By: Rebecca Fryer In this tutorial it’s my aim to take you through the process of creating a convincing 3D Glass Ball using basic layer styles and gradients. Step One: Basic Shape & Fill [More]

Make an Easy Web Button


When I say Easy – I really mean it – easy easy easy easy! 😀  Buttons are cool and can be very effectively used on websites. So lets begin.   Step 1  New 1024×768 72ppi document [More]

Making an Object Transparent


Glass tutorial by Simon Rudd In this tutorial you will learn how to make a glass object from a photo 1. First find a photo with an interesting object in it. I got this from sxc.hu Click to Enlarge [More]