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Hand Painted Border Brushes For Photoshop


I’m a sucker for a border and Photoshop has a raft of ways in which you can create a border from scratch. The only downside with some Photoshop border effects is they can look digitally created and by that I mean they lack the subtle changes and randomness that only a handmade border provides. So here’s a solution. Paint your own borders and turn them into custom brushes. Since Photoshop CS6 brushes can be up to 5000 pixels long, twice the size of Photoshop CS5 and that opens up a lot more creative possibilities. [More]

Photoshop Coloured Lighting into a Scene


In this video Photoshop tutorial aimed and beginners and intermediate users of Photoshop I add some colour to a reflection of a window. The work a long files nostainedglass.jpg and colouredwindow.jpg [More]

Movie Poster Credit Template for Photoshop


Imagine my delight when I came across this great font which has all the relevant parts incorporated into it. To get the ‘Music by’ or ‘Costume Design’ for example takes just a simple keystroke. Brilliant. [More]

12 Courses, 2 Nuts and 7 Days Free at Lynda.com


Hi, Eric here with a slightly different post. I’m sending you off somewhere else! Today I’m offering you the chance to head off and get 7 days of free UNLIMITED ACCESS to all the courses at lynda.com. [More]