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Simulating Film Grain in Lightroom 5


Add some character and grit to your black and white conversions with Lightroom's film grain simulator. This feature is great for bringing a little bit of nostalgia and that old time film look into your Lightroom black and white conversions. [More]

An Introduction to Black and White


When I first started out on this series of tutorials on black & white conversion techniques I started to think about how black & white photography has changed since the advent of digital and [More]

5 Creative borders for Lightroom


love Lightroom for it’s simplicity. It allows me to get my photos looking exactly how I want without any of the flashy extras that you’ll find in Photoshop. Lightroom is blissfully free from [More]

Seeing Red


I had a friend call me in a panic the other day. She was scanning some 35mm film and she was freaking out because they kept scanning bright red. I’ve seen it before I told her, and it’s not as [More]