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Free Social Media Templates


Hello! It’s been a while but I’m back and recording new tutorials. To kick things off I’m offering a couple of Social Media Templates to use in Photoshop (and Experience Design (Xd) [More]

Facebook Cover Template (late 2015) in Photoshop CC


Facebook is rolling out more changes! The cover image and profile image dimensions are changing again and these latest changes mean that all those nicely crafted facebook covers no longer work! But fear not, Tipsquirrel.com has you covered (baboom tish! sorry for the poor pun). This post shows how to create the perfectly positioned profile image & cover using our FREE Facebook Cover Template for the late 2015 changes. Below is a walk through of how to create your own pixel perfect facebook cover, and after the walkthrough is the downloadable template available only from Tipsquirrel [More]

How to post to Facebook with Lightroom


Did you know you can post to Facebook from Lightroom, directly and automatically? Back in version 3, Adobe introduced Publish Services to Lightroom, and this continues to be the best way to manage your photos when you’re posting to social media. [More]

Social Media Mock-Up Template for Photoshop


I was asked recently to create a screen for a social media page for use in a video production. Rather than cut and paste a one off I made a fully editable page for repeated use. I’m offering this [More]

Lightroom 3 Publish Services


Adobe Photoshop Lightroom has always had the capability to export images from the catalog. You could create presets, select your images, start the export job and send them on their merry way. The [More]

Lightroom 3 Publish Services


Adobe Photoshop Lightroom has always had the capability to export images from the catalog. You could create presets, select your images, start the export job and send them on their merry way. The [More]