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Photoshop Image Extraction with Channels


If you're creating image composites, and especially if you're working with stock images, you'll find yourself needing to extract image elements from a white background. This can be a straightforward task with Photoshop, and often you'll get better results with some of the old school techniques. For example, take this image from Shutterstock. Here we have a figure on a white background, and your first thought might be, "I can make short work of this with Quick Selection Tool." (Or the magic wand). [More]

Scanned Sketch Extraction in Photoshop


If you have a scan with a white background, how do you remove the white? There are several ways, some more effective and more versatile than others. In this video, we'll take a look at a variety of ways to drop out the white and leave you with the details you need. [More]