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Replacing a view through a window with clipping masks in Photoshop Elements


In this month's Photoshop Elements tutorial I'm going to demonstrate a neat trick for changing the view through a window. There are many ways to approach this, of course, this is a particularly versatile method, however. Instead of cutting out the glass areas of the window and putting the new view beneath, we'll use the window panes as a clipping mask. If you're unfamiliar with the concept of clipping masks, it's a way of hiding parts of a layer based on the visible areas of the layer below. In this case, only the parts of the new view will be visible where they overlap the window panes, giving the impression that we're seeing the scene behind the window frame. This is often preferable to the usual masking technique, particularly if we want to use multiple images to build the composite, where the layers would need to be beneath the target layer as we can control the visibility without the need to move the layers around in the stack. If we want to see the whole image, we simply unclip it. [More]

The Graphic Novel Filter: Photoshop Elements’ Diamond in the Rough


With the release of Elements 11 came three new filters: Pen and Ink, Comic and Graphic Novel. You could be excused from not having known about them as they reside in the Sketch category of the Filters menu, a place you visit in the early stages of using Elements but rarely return. Many of these special effects filters fail to live up to their expectations, not without a lot of additional work afterward, at least. These new sketch filters are different: on the whole they actually do what they're supposed to, and often with fantastic results! My favourite of the three filters is Graphic Novel and that's what we'll be looking at in this tutorial. The effect it produces gives the image a hand-drawn effect with intricate lines similar to those drawn with Rotring precision pens. [More]

Creating Torn Edges in Photoshop and Photoshop Elements


This month I'm donning my top hat and tuxedo to perform a spectacular card trick for you. First, I'll tear the card in half and then, without so much as a wave of a magic wand, I'll seamlessly mend it right in front of your very eyes! Seriously, though, if you've ever gone delving into the many filters available in Photoshop and Photoshop Elements, you will no doubt have come across the Torn Edges filter. As the name suggests, it will give you a super torn edge effect on your image. Well, no, actually it won't, not if it's applied directly to the image, that is; all you'll end up creating is a fuzzy monochrome graphic element. [More]

Creating a Chiseled Text Effect in Photoshop and Photoshop Elements


We'll be using Photoshop layer styles to achieve the effect as well as the somewhat obscure Type Mask tool. If you're not familiar with this tool, it's a little like a cross between the Type tool and Quick Mask; we can type our text as usual but when it's committed, instead of creating a layer with the text it creates a selection; this is perfect for the technique as we do not need to work on the text directly. You can follow the original tutorial using the link above but change the dimensions to 1000x200 pixels to create the correct document size. If you don't want to start the image from scratch, it can be downloaded here. [More]

Creating a Marble Texture Effect in Photoshop and Photoshop Elements


In this tutorial we're going to conjure a marble-style texture in Photoshop and Photoshop Elements. This can be used for anything from 3D textures to creating a fancy background for a web banner; as we have done here. The effect hinges around the Clouds filter; yes, the highly versatile filter that's great for creating anything other than clouds. By combining this with further filters, adjustments and layer blend modes, we can achieve a fairly realistic texture quickly and easily. Let's get started. [More]

Selecting Hair in Photoshop Elements 11


Photoshop Elements keeps getting better and better with each new release. With the recent release of Elements 11, Adobe has crammed even more Photoshop’s power into Elements with the addition of [More]

Use Photoshop for a Seamless Action Sequence


Technically an action sequence is a series of photos merged together to show the progression of an object through the frame. Artistically an action sequence is brilliant way to show movement in your photos and make amazingly eye-catching images. [More]

Speed your scanning workflow in Photoshop


If you’re like me, you probably have stacks of old photographs sitting around in the “to be scanned” queue. In fact, you may, like me, have additional piles from family and friends in the same [More]

Photoshop Elements Books Winner


No nonsense guide to getting the most out of your images using Photoshop Elements. Save time with invaluable shortcuts and tips to cut through unnecessary steps, helping you to work faster and [More]

Using actions in Photoshop Elements


If you haven’t used the full version of Photoshop, you might not be familiar with the concept of actions. Essentially, they are sequences of commands designed to quickly reproduce a particular effect on an image. They range from simple enhancements to extremely complex manipulation operations and are designed primarily to save you time by doing all the repetitive parts of a technique at speed. Although you can’t actually create your own actions from within Elements, you can install and run them. [More]

Warhol-Style Pop-Art Effect with Photoshop Elements


In this tutorial we’ll use Photoshop Elements to create an effect similar to Andy Warhol’s iconic pictures of Marilyn Monroe, Elizabeth Taylor et al. We’ll use layers and blend modes to build up the effect, making it easy to correct mistakes or change the look at a later stage. [More]
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