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Photoshop Displacement Maps


When you want to add two or more images together quite often you’ll want to contort one to the shape of the other. This can be done with ease in Photoshop using the Displacement Map filter. Its been around for a long time and not a lots changed, but then, does it need to? [More]

Applying Texture to a Contour Using Photoshop


Now the very first TipSquirrel Workshop  being held at the incredible Peterborough Cathedral is fast approaching and following a recent visit to get a feel for the place and narrow down what kind of [More]

The Pain Free Tattoo


Ever wanted to have a tattoo but were too afraid to ask? Well, here's a quick and simple Photoshop tutorial to show you how you can do exactly that; and what's more if you're squeamish there's no need to look away :) [More]

Get Inked with Photoshop and No Needles


I would love a tattoo…but I’m terrified of needles. That makes it impossible to get inked. So I guess the next best thing is to do it in Photoshop! 1. First we need to create a map for [More]

Easily Add Bruises


Step 1 Open your photo you want to add bruises too, I’m going to be using one of me (handsome devil aren’t I 😀 – Btw check out the beard project – here ). We will be making this [More]