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Adding a Sepia Tone in Photoshop


In this 30 Second Photoshop video I’ll show you how to add a sepia tone to your images in three easy steps. Don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE for more tutorials from my channel!   [More]

Create a Dancing Shadow in Photoshop


Here’s a nifty little tutorial for you. I’ll show you how to add a little extra to your photos with a quirky shadow that can represent the person photographed. I’ve used this a few [More]

How To Create A Rippling Flag Using The Displace Filter In Adobe Photoshop


In this tutorial we'll be creating the effect of a rippling flag using custom artwork and one of Photoshop's oldest distortion filters, Displace. The filter uses a monochrome image map to distort the pixels of the target layer based on the tones of the map. The brighter or darker the tone, the more the pixels of the image are pushed horizontally or vertically. This is great for creating the appearance of an object or text following the contours of a texture. [More]

Create A Template To Display Your Image As A Mounted Canvas In Photoshop Part 2


In my last tutorial we saw how to create a reusable template to display our artwork as though they were mounted on canvas in situ. The base image I used is a sofa against a wall, both in neutral colours. Whilst this works well most for most images, what if we want to see how the picture would fit a particular location: a client's office or a married couple's lounge, perhaps? In this article I’m going to take the template idea further to enable us to alter the colour of both the sofa and wall colour, giving us far more freedom to match the artwork to specific decor. As before, this will be completely non-destructive as we'll be using adjustment layers and masks to create the effect. We can continue where we left off the last time. If you didn’t see the article, you can access it here, or you can just work with the base image – link below – and add in the artwork later. [More]

Creating Torn Edges in Photoshop and Photoshop Elements


This month I'm donning my top hat and tuxedo to perform a spectacular card trick for you. First, I'll tear the card in half and then, without so much as a wave of a magic wand, I'll seamlessly mend it right in front of your very eyes! Seriously, though, if you've ever gone delving into the many filters available in Photoshop and Photoshop Elements, you will no doubt have come across the Torn Edges filter. As the name suggests, it will give you a super torn edge effect on your image. Well, no, actually it won't, not if it's applied directly to the image, that is; all you'll end up creating is a fuzzy monochrome graphic element. [More]

Creating a Glittery Text Effect in Adobe Photoshop


Inspiration often comes from things we've seen as we go about out day-to-day business; posters, TV and printed ads, etc. I was in town the other day and noticed a poster in a bus shelter for a soft drink. The ad headline featured a fancy glittery text effect. I took a photo with my phone for reference and set about seeing what I could come up when I got back to the computer. I wanted to make sure it was easy to create and versatile enough to apply in different situations. [More]

Working with Smart Objects and transformations in Photoshop CS6


This month I thought I'd highlight a feature of Smart Objects in Photoshop and, to an extent, Photoshop Elements that often gets overlooked. Aside from the ability to scale and distort layers without loss of quality and change the contents simultaneously across multiple copies, another useful trait is that they remember the previous distortion settings; image warp in particular. This is incredibly useful for designers, as it makes it far easier to experiment with idea or creating photo montages, where objects need to be placed into a scene in perspective [More]

Photoshop A Holiday Card 2010 Pt. 2


When we left our holiday card last time, we’d just combined three photos into one. Now we’ll finish things up by adding a moon and a bit of nighttime ambiance. First, find a photo of the full [More]

Smarter Texting –Transforming Editable Text


TipSquirrel welcomes back  Rebecca Fryer This a quick tip to help you achieve editable transformed text Click to Enlarge To begin with create some Text in my example I used Cooper Black font as it [More]

Stencil From Photo


A few months ago I was playing with Photoshop and made a couple of stencil pictures out of stock photos (See them here) so I thought I’d do a short tutorial on how to make them.   Step 1.  Go to [More]
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