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How to Create a Matte Effect


In this video I’ll be demonstrating how to add a matte finish to your image in Photoshop. I’ll be using a curves adjustment layer to reduce the black tones within the image.   [More]

Retouching Snow in Photoshop


My favourite place on this incredible planet is Iceland, and in my capacity as a travel photographer and big Iceland fan I’ve perfected the way I deal with snow in my photos. In this tutorial [More]

Skin tone correction using RGB Curves in Lightroom 5


When it comes to editing skin tones, Adobe Photoshop has always reigned supreme. Lightroom could change the white balance and even alter the Hue, Saturation and Luminance values, but this is often not accurate enough to render great skin tones. This changed with the introduction of RGB curves in Lightroom 4, allowing us to change the values of Red, Green & Blue at a specific tonal range of the image. How this changes things will be explained below, but suffice to say it makes for much nicer skin tones without the need to export to photoshop. [More]

Lightroom Curves Unleashed!


Sometimes, Lightroom's basic Develop controls aren't going to take you far enough, and you'll want to exercise a little more creative control over your images. Lightroom's Tone Curves feature can provide that added control you seek, but at a casual glance, the Tone Curve seems a bit limited. There are some safety nets built into the Lightroom Tone Curve panel to keep you from unwittingly making a mess of your image, but with a little care and exploration we can unleash the full power of curves, right within Lightroom. [More]

Advanced Black and White in Photoshop


This month’s tutorial is going to be an in-depth look at a black & white photograph that was used in one of my tutorials on black & white conversion earlier this year. I recently showed [More]

Add Some Drama with Photoshop


Today’s tip is a simple but powerful trick to create a more powerful mood within your photos, using Photoshop with just some adjustment layer and masking techniques. I first saw Eddie Tapp use a [More]

Color Balance Correction


Ask what adjustment they think of when they hear “color correction in Photoshop” and most people will answer “Curves”. Nothing wrong with that, I pretty much always use it myself, either [More]

Rebuilding From (Practically) Nothing


Janine’s latest course at Lynda.com is; Photoshop Elements 9: Scanning and Restoring Photos Click here for a 7-day free trial and give it a go! [Authors note: The image used in this article is not [More]

Quick Tone Photoshop Technique


In this video tutorial,The Restorationist Janine Smith takes a restoration project and uses a combination of curves and Blend mode to bring out the detail of her image. [More]

Apply a “Pinch Curve” to Tighten a Layer Mask


Howdy & Hello! As Photoshop continues to improve, our digital workflows become more efficient as we replace old techniques with new features. How many of you have embraced the Refine Edge dialogue commands, or the Adjustment & Masking panels? If you've been reading Michael Hoffman's articles here at TipSquirrel there should be no doubt about the usefulness of those improved features. What happens when you're put in front of an older version of Photoshop WITHOUT those cool new features? A smart person has TipSquirrel bookmarked because you never know when you'll need an old school technique. Let's take a look at how to use a "pinch curve" to choke in a layer mask in Photoshop. [More]

Colour Correction using Lab Colour mode


Last month, Scot showed how to boost colour contrast using the Lab colour space. This week he stays within LAB, and looks at a simple colour correction. The original image is a mix of flash and a rather warm background light, creating a mixed balance of light throughout the image. [More]
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