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Embed Your Copyright with Photoshop


In this tutorial we’ll have a look at metadata and how to control what information you share when uploading your photos to the net or sharing then with clients. Metadata is information that’s collected at various points along the process of image creation. It’s invisibly added to your photos by your camera, computer and by you if you so choose. The type of information it contains varies but can include what brand of camera you used, the lens zoom length, camera mode used, exposure information and even serial numbers of your gear. Post processing in Photoshop adds more information such as which version of Photoshop you used and when it was edited. [More]

Add Copyright Information in Photoshop – Automatically


It's always a good idea to copyright your work, and that includes embedding the appropriate information into your image metadata. Learn the three step process to create a template to add copyright metadata, to create an action to apply your template, and to use Photoshop's Script Events Manager to run your action every time you work on a file. It may sound scary, but it's a simple process, and you can "set it and forget it." I’ve written about this before a few years back, but this is a good reminder, I’ve brought it up to date with the latest version of Photoshop, and here is a video tutorial for those who prefer video learning. [More]

Create a Copyright Preset in Lightroom


Its a new year so time for something that’s good for you but not necessarily fun, sorry. You’ve probably let the new year’s resolution for keywording slip already so here’s something that [More]