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How To Create A Composite In Photoshop With The PixelSquid 3D Extension


The main focus of the tutorial is an amazing stock image site named PixelSquid. If you haven’t heard of it before, PixelSquid specialises in pre-rendered 3D stock image objects that can be rotated in real time, enabling you to pick the perfect angle before placing the image into your designs and photo-montages. When the site first launched, it was necessary to download the object at the required angle before adding into your composites, which still left a little guesswork as to whether it was going to fit the scene properly. A recent update has change this. [More]

Book-Cover Composite Themes with Photoshop


Using some quick compositing techniques, you can create a series of book covers, CD covers, artwork, or related graphical designs that look different, yet share a common feel and theme. This video tutorial uses Photoshop CS6, but the techniques apply to any recent version of Photoshop. [More]

Photoshop Compositing with 3D (Part 2)


In this two part video tutorial, we look at creating a surreal scene with 3D and traditional 2D elements. In this second part, we add the 3D elements and explore ways of integrating the 2D and 3D parts into a unified whole. [More]

Apply a “Pinch Curve” to Tighten a Layer Mask


Howdy & Hello! As Photoshop continues to improve, our digital workflows become more efficient as we replace old techniques with new features. How many of you have embraced the Refine Edge dialogue commands, or the Adjustment & Masking panels? If you've been reading Michael Hoffman's articles here at TipSquirrel there should be no doubt about the usefulness of those improved features. What happens when you're put in front of an older version of Photoshop WITHOUT those cool new features? A smart person has TipSquirrel bookmarked because you never know when you'll need an old school technique. Let's take a look at how to use a "pinch curve" to choke in a layer mask in Photoshop. [More]

Capturing Details with Refine Mask


Last week on TipSquirrel, I introduced the Masks Panel, and today we’re going to take a closer look at an old feature that is new again with CS5. A few versions ago, Adobe introduce the Refine Edge [More]

Photoshop Super Fast Compositing


This time I've put together a video tutorial showing a super fast Photoshop technique for creating composite images. This is a technique I turn to 99.9% of the time when creating composites out of studio images; it's super fast, super effective and super easy. [More]

Photoshop Compositing With Blend Modes


With the introduction of the new and improved Refine Edge in Photoshop CS5, making selections has never been easier…or has it? In this tutorial I show you a technique using Blend Modes to make [More]