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Illustration or Comic book Effect in Photoshop


In this video I demonstrate a technique of using Smart Filters to make a highly versatile illustration or comic book effect in Photoshop. In this example I'm going for the children's story look, but with a few tweeks and edits it could look more like a comic strip or sketch. The image used here is from our friends at Fotolia and is #74069436 - superhero child by eelnosiva. I'd love to see how you use this technique so feel free to drop me a note on Twitter or Facebook with a link! [More]

Comic Book Text Style in Photoshop


I’m a huge fan of comics – not that I’ve been able to buy any in the last 5 years or so 🙁 but I do love rereading my old ones. This had me thinking about the old style Pow’s [More]