Coloring with Photoshop – Skin
Coloring black and white images is not as easy as it seems. For one thing, finding realistic skin tones is just darn hard! The same with hair colors; the reason for this is that in the real world, hair and skin colors are made up of many different colors and tones. Using just one color will make the tones one dimensional, not realistic at all. Also, there’s a tendency to try to make skin tones either too pink, resulting in a lovely lobster-esque look, or too “peachy” which usually comes out more grey, resulting in the Corpse Bride look. Not very attractive, to say the least. To get a realistic skin or hair color, therefore, we need to layer different tones, tweak, tweak again, go away, add more, take some away…well, you see, it’s not easy. [More]