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Match Color Command in Photoshop


A great, and quick, way to change the feel of your image is to match it’s tones to that of an image you already have. Photoshop makes this incredibly easy and wonderfully flexible with the use of the Match Color command. In this video I’ll look at two images and see how Match Colour can give some amazing results. [More]

Create An Alphabet Soup Text Effect In Photoshop


In this video I create an Alphabetti Spaghetti, or Alphabet Soup tpy text effect using just one Filter and a few instances of Bevel and Emboss. The Action created in this tutorial can be downloaded by sharing this post via the buttons below the video [More]

Creating a Glittery Text Effect in Adobe Photoshop


Inspiration often comes from things we've seen as we go about out day-to-day business; posters, TV and printed ads, etc. I was in town the other day and noticed a poster in a bus shelter for a soft drink. The ad headline featured a fancy glittery text effect. I took a photo with my phone for reference and set about seeing what I could come up when I got back to the computer. I wanted to make sure it was easy to create and versatile enough to apply in different situations. [More]

Image Restoration With Photoshop – Getting Rid Of Red Spots


Just like us, photographs get age spots. That’s what those rusty spots are, places where the emulsion is breaking down due to age. Typically the ways they’re dealt with is either with the usual suspects, the clone or patch type tools, or by stripping away the blue and green channels (old school) or using the Black & White Adjustment on one of the red filters. [More]

Flame Painted Frame in Photoshop


In this Photoshop video I stick with the light streak theme of last week and try out Flame Painter to add an ‘electric’ style border to my image. I’ll be honest, I like using the site more than I like using the results, but does it matter how you have fun so long as you have it? [More]

Creating Light Streaks With Photoshop


In this Photoshop tutorial I answer another reader question. How, they asked, can I add light streaks into an image. In particular, they wanted to add the streaks around a bottle, so that's what I do here with a quick, and simple use of the Pen Tool, some Layer Styles and a little bit of Warp. Colour and glow can all be changed once the image is finished to give as much flexibility as possible. [More]

Targeted Adjustment Tool in Adobe Camera Raw


In this video I take a look at a feature of Adobe Camera Raw that is often over looked, Targeted Adjustment Tool. I switch between using this and heading straight over to the right hand side, but find using the tool is just that bit quicker and ‘less fiddly’. [More]

Book-Cover Composite Themes with Photoshop


Using some quick compositing techniques, you can create a series of book covers, CD covers, artwork, or related graphical designs that look different, yet share a common feel and theme. This video tutorial uses Photoshop CS6, but the techniques apply to any recent version of Photoshop. [More]

Photoshop CS6 – Kuler


In this post, Howard introduces us to the power of Kuler. If you're looking for a color theme for your projects, look no further than Kuler, it’s built right into Photoshop and is a great extension! [More]

Coloring With Photoshop – Hair


We left our heroine a bit on the pink side, but we’ll get back to that in a little while. The color of the hair can affect the way we see the skin tone, so I’d like to work on that, right now. When colorizing hair, like skin, I like to take my colors from the historical era I’m trying to duplicate [More]

Coloring With Photoshop – Skin Pt. 2


When last we saw our heroine she was looking a little, well, colorless. Today we’re going to perk things up a bit with a little help from history. First, we need to ask ourselves a couple of questions; what era is our image from and what era’s style do we want to borrow from? Of course, you can color your images any way you like, but personally, I like to borrow styles from the era the image was taken in. For the really old images that may mean striving for a watercolor or pastel look of a hand tinted image and portraits taken in the 40’s may call for the more saturated, glamorous style of that era. I’ll go more into the styles of each era and inspiration at a later date, but for now, since the image I’m working on was taken in the 40’s, you can go online and find an image or images from that era that appeals to you in terms of skin and hair color. You may feel like it’s wrong to borrow an image, but It’s okay to use these images for this purpose – all you’re going to do is sample color palettes, you’re not using the image or reproducing it in any other way. [More]
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