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Adding a Sepia Tone in Photoshop


In this 30 Second Photoshop video I’ll show you how to add a sepia tone to your images in three easy steps. Don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE for more tutorials from my channel!   [More]

Retouching Snow in Photoshop


My favourite place on this incredible planet is Iceland, and in my capacity as a travel photographer and big Iceland fan I’ve perfected the way I deal with snow in my photos. In this tutorial [More]

Tinting With the Photoshop Gradient Map Adjustment


There are many ways of tinting an image, and many of those ways I employ regularly, sometimes trying multiple methods on a Tint-Scary-Gradphotograph to get the best result because, as you regular users know and you newer to Photoshop will soon learn, every image is different and no one method will work – or work the same – 100% of the time, and different methods, of course make for different results. For the purposes of this article, however, I’m focusing on the Gradient Map adjustment layer for tinting, and using one custom gradient with the crazy hex value combination [More]

Synchronize Color Settings in Photoshop and Creative Cloud Apps


If you've ever delved into the Photoshop menus you might have come across Color Settings in the Edit menu. There's a lot to alter here, but what's that down the bottom right corner telling me that my Colours are not synchronised? There doesn't seem to be any way to synchronise them either.... [More]

5 Ways: Photoshop Color Correction


I’ve been doing this Photoshop / restoration / retouching thing a long time now and I can pretty well tell just by looking what type of color correction will work on what type of fading or color cast. Curves work really well on a certain kind of orangey-red cast that’s indicative of 1970’s chain store images while nothing short of a black and white adjustment and a hand tint will work on a particular sun faded yellow cast. I do, however, try more than one method on each image just to be certain I’m getting the best result. For my 5 Ways I’m going to list the five methods that pop in my head first. They won’t always be the most popular and some might be downright odd, but there are so many ways to do any one thing in Photoshop and, frankly, the best way to do anything is the way that gives you the best result. Always using Curves, for instance, is severely limiting your potential outcome. We’ll start the 5 Ways of Color Correction with the most obvious method: [More]

Photoshop Color Sampler Tool


Before we were treated to the delights of Kuler Photoshop users were able to find the colour details in an image with the Color Sampler Tool. Now it lays quietly hidden but it really shouldn't, its a hugely helpful tool. [More]
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