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Easy Moon or Planet with Photoshop


When making fantasy pictures its often useful to have a moon in a night sky, we can easily fake a nice convincing moon using a couple of Photoshop Filters. [More]

Simple Grunge Text in Photoshop


This month I thought I’d show you how to make a simple grunge effect for text using a very simple technique utilising a very powerful feature found in the Layer Styles dialogue box. Step 1. [More]

Lightning and Break-Up Effects in Photoshop


Let’s take the classic lightning effect and add a little scatter effect too; Step 1. Make a new 1024×768 sized documents, set the background colour to black. Next using the Text tool Type [More]

Engraving Text with Photoshop


I found out today (well about ½ hour ago) that it was my turn to write – eeep! I thought, “I’ve not prepared anything” So here I show you a very easy (and quick!) way of creating engraved [More]

Photoshop Exploding Text (Sort Of)


I’d like to continue my TS tutorials with a text effect I like, its fairly simple but looks effective. Step 1. We start by making a 1000×1000 pixel document – we have to have a square [More]