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Rotating The Clone Stamp in Photoshop


In this video TipTorial I take a quick look at some of the parameters that can be changed when using Photoshop’s Clone Stamp Tool. In particular, how to rotate and flip the stamp. Many thanks to Janine Smith for providing the photograph. Also a nod to Gavin Hoey for helping me realise the difference between CS5 and earlier versions. [More]

Photoshop CS5: Clone Source Tips


TipSquirrel.com is delighted to welcome a new ‘Nut’ to the collection.  Dan Moughamian has authored four Adobe training videos, including Digital Photography Workflows with Photoshop [More]

Repairing Ink Blots


Bad things happen. Bad things even happen to our photos. Bad things like…ink. So when the bad thing happens, how do you go about fixing it? The first thing to remember is to not try to wipe it [More]