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Clone Stamp

Photoshop Retouching Tips – Nondestructive Healing


The cloning and healing tools in Photoshop continue to improve all the time, and now most of the retouching tools offer Adobe’s amazing “content-aware” technology. However, in order to get the most from the Healing Brush, Patch Tool, Clone Stamp, and all the others, you’ll want to explore ways to accomplish nondestructive healing during your retouching sessions. [More]

Photoshop Symmetry with the Clone Source Panel


When you use the Clone Source Panel in conjunction with the Clone Stamp Tool in Photoshop, you can make your image literally stand on its head. Use the Clone Source Panel to display, distort, mirror and stretch your clone source to create a more dynamic effect. [More]

All Kinds of Flips


I used to run around like a chicken with my head cut off looking for images with obliterated eyes to practice flipping off…I mean flipping eyes, but then it hit me, duh! [More]

Photoshop CS5: Clone Source Tips


TipSquirrel.com is delighted to welcome a new ‘Nut’ to the collection.  Dan Moughamian has authored four Adobe training videos, including Digital Photography Workflows with Photoshop [More]