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CC 2015

Beauty in Decay – Repairing a Photo with Photoshop


It’s a funny thing about me; if I see a damaged picture, sometimes I just really, really want to fix it. It’s almost like my fingers start tingling for the Wacom pen so I can get started. It doesn’t happen every, single time, but when it does good things usually happen. So, I decided to take a little time and fix one of them… About 6 (working) hours later, I was done with the first one I picked. It wasn’t one of the worst, but it sort of spoke to me. [More]

Dude, Where’s My Save For Web?


With the update from Photoshop CC 2014 to Photoshop CC 2015 Adobe make a lot of great changes, as always there were the headline grabbers but there were a few little tweaks that didn’t hit the [More]

Photoshop CC 2015 Install


By now, most of you know about the big Creative Cloud version update, CC 2015. Some of you have no doubt already installed the update. If you haven’t, or you have but you missed this part, be aware [More]