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Black and White

Three Ways to Go Mono in RAW


Do you prefer Black and white or Monochromatic? Whatever you choose to call it, taking away the colour from your photo will completely change it and often for the better. You might be thinking that black and white is just that, black and white? So how can there be more than one way to do it and why would you want to even bother? Well just because mono images only contain shades of grey, that doesn't stop us taking control them and that’s exactly what I’m going to show you in this video. [More]

Silver Efex Pro Control Points – An Apology


In one of my previous tutorials on Silver Efex Pro I may have given the impression that I wasn’t too impressed with control points, I think I may even have used the phrase “I don’t think the control points work very well in SilverEfex and never use them!” Oh dear, what a muppet. I was, of course, wrong and its not very often you’ll hear me say that according to my wife and I apologise for misleading you. That isn’t to say that they are a panacea but they are pretty damn good. [More]

Advanced Black and White in Photoshop


This month’s tutorial is going to be an in-depth look at a black & white photograph that was used in one of my tutorials on black & white conversion earlier this year. I recently showed [More]

A Photoshop HDR Workflow Example


In this video, photographer and trainer Rich Harrington takes 3 images and works with them to complete a single HDR image with multiple effects. Combining the images and them post processing within Photoshop Rich gives us a real world example of photographic workflow. [More]

Mono Magic with Adobe Camera RAW


There’s something magical about a really eye catching black and white image. A full range of tones running from deep black to bright white always adds a touch of drama and impact to the mono image. [More]

Black and White with SilverEfex Pro 2


I currently use SilverEfex Pro, although Nik have released a SilverEfex Pro 2 which I’ve downloaded a trial of for the purposes of this tutorial. I’m still undecided whether to upgrade to the new version, but hopefully by the time I’m finished writing Ii’ll have made my mind up if I need to put my money down. [More]