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Adobe Camera Raw

The Art of the Crop and Photoshop Power Tips


In this tutorial I’m not going to tell you HOW to do something, but offer you brief insight into WHY you should do it (and give you 5 power tips to inspire.) Adobe software allows you to crop [More]

HDR in Adobe Camera Raw 9


If you use Adobe Camera Raw as opposed to Lightroom, and there's still a few of us left, you'll love one of the updates to ACR. No more need to go to HDR pro or Photoshop to do panoramas, they're right here in our favourite editor; [More]

Adobe Camera Raw Basic Panel and Lightroom Develop Module


When you open an image into Photoshop or Photoshop Elements you're automatically taken into Adobe Camera Raw. This is a hugely powerful application that you may find does all you need for an image. In this video I take a look at the Basic Panel, this is the same as the Develop Module on Lightroom and is similar to that found in Photoshop Elements. [More]

Drag and Drop from Lightroom


I was asked recently whether you could drag and drop files from Lightroom onto a memory stick and this raised a few points that I thought were worthy of mentioning here.   To understand the [More]