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Photoshop Quick Tip: Button Mode and Menu Items for Photoshop Actions


Actions are a great way to get things done easily and quickly, but what happens when you need to insert a menu command? By default a lot of menu items are unavailable during the recording of a Photoshop Action, but it’s easily overcome. I’ll also be discussing the helpful Button Mode, a great way to launch your Actions. [More]

Put a Simple Photoshop Frame On It


In this Photoshop tutorial video I’m going to add a very simple frame to my image by increasing the Canvas Size. This works well but there’s a couple of things I need to consider if I want to do the same to all my images, and should I want to record an action. [More]

How to Record a Photoshop Action


If you’ve never experienced the amazing power of Photoshop actions before, then you may well have missed out on something special. Perhaps you’re one of the many people who have tried the built [More]

Using actions in Photoshop Elements


If you haven’t used the full version of Photoshop, you might not be familiar with the concept of actions. Essentially, they are sequences of commands designed to quickly reproduce a particular effect on an image. They range from simple enhancements to extremely complex manipulation operations and are designed primarily to save you time by doing all the repetitive parts of a technique at speed. Although you can’t actually create your own actions from within Elements, you can install and run them. [More]

TipSquirrel.com Action Set


This action set includes some techniques you’ll want to use again and again on your images, including; High Contrast, Color Separation in LAB, Duo Tone, Fixing Faded Photos, Grunge Border, LensBaby Effect, Soft Glow, Soft Vignette, Stars, Star Wars Text effect. The techniques are all based on tutorials from The Photoshop Nuts at TipSquirrel.com. [More]

Repeating Patterns with Photoshop Actions


In this tutorial, artist and writer Simon Rudd explores the use of Actions to create a repeating pattern. Make a new Photoshop document – I'm using a canvas that is 1024x768, as always you can set your own size if you want. Make the background black by pressing D on your keyboard followed by ALT and Backspace (or go to Edit>Fill>Black). Finally make a new Layer above the background Layer called Pattern1. [More]