Quicker Collections in Lightroom
You may have used Quick Collections in Lightroom to create temporary sets of photos to organize your work. Here’s a tip to show you how to extend the Quick Collection feature to apply to any collection in Lightroom, making ALL your collections “quick.”
One of the amazing things about Lightroom is that there are usually several ways to do things, and one can also add images to a target collection using the Painter Tool. This is a fast way to add multiple images because you can ‘spray’ a group of images by holding down the left mouse key and dragging, and you don’t have to target the little ‘Quick Collection’ circle icon in the upper right of each image. Just click on the Painter tool in the bottom toolbar, click on the little arrows beside it, and select ‘Target Collection’. (If you don’t have a bottom toolbar, press ‘T’).
P.S. For a list of links to over 200 sites with Lightroom tips, tutorials and videos (including TipSquirrel, of course!), try http://bit.ly/LRTips