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Photographic History

Tinting With the Photoshop Gradient Map Adjustment


There are many ways of tinting an image, and many of those ways I employ regularly, sometimes trying multiple methods on a Tint-Scary-Gradphotograph to get the best result because, as you regular users know and you newer to Photoshop will soon learn, every image is different and no one method will work – or work the same – 100% of the time, and different methods, of course make for different results. For the purposes of this article, however, I’m focusing on the Gradient Map adjustment layer for tinting, and using one custom gradient with the crazy hex value combination [More]

Beauty in Decay – Repairing a Photo with Photoshop


It’s a funny thing about me; if I see a damaged picture, sometimes I just really, really want to fix it. It’s almost like my fingers start tingling for the Wacom pen so I can get started. It doesn’t happen every, single time, but when it does good things usually happen. So, I decided to take a little time and fix one of them… About 6 (working) hours later, I was done with the first one I picked. It wasn’t one of the worst, but it sort of spoke to me. [More]

1838 Window to the Past


There is one particular daguerreotype that has always fascinated me. It was taken by Louis Daguerre himself, and is the very first photograph known to show a human being! This photo was taken in 1838. 1838!! That’s 173 years old!! Think about how amazing that is: a photograph taken a mere fifty-five years after the American Revolution and [...] [More]