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Search Results for masking

October at TipSquirrel


It was another great month for TipSquirrel.com and I am, as always,grateful to everyone that contributed to the site. Keep visiting in November for all the regulars, plus we’ll be welcoming [More]

Fading Back


As a digital photo restoration artist I don’t always get to work on the two things I love most: old photos and really badly damaged old photos. Sometimes I have to do “ordinary” [More]

Its Easy to Change Colour in LAB.. No, Really.


Here’s a nice and easy way to change a colour of an object, with no masking (Phew!), but before you get to excited I should warn you, I’ll be heading into the world of LAB. Don’t panic though, [More]

The Week on TipSquirrel


Its been another great week at TipSquirrel, if you missed any of it, here’s a re-cap; Monday: Guest poster Andie Smith gave a great demonstration of using textures to enhance photographs. Tuesday: [More]

Using Textures in Photoshop


It’s with great pleasure that we welcome this week’s guest poster Andie Smith.   Admit it…textures are hot right now!!!!   They are artsy, and edgy, and just flat out awesome! They [More]

Do The Math


When I look back at all the things I didn’t do in my life because math was involved, it makes me shudder. I didn’t go on to attain copious amounts of higher education and strings of [More]
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