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Search Results for masking

Photoshop Image Extraction with Channels


If you're creating image composites, and especially if you're working with stock images, you'll find yourself needing to extract image elements from a white background. This can be a straightforward task with Photoshop, and often you'll get better results with some of the old school techniques. For example, take this image from Shutterstock. Here we have a figure on a white background, and your first thought might be, "I can make short work of this with Quick Selection Tool." (Or the magic wand). [More]

Quickly Spot Mistakes in Your Photoshop Masks


If you do any kind of Photoshop work using selections and cutouts, you'll know how important it is to be as accurate as possible, particularly when working with images of people. It's easy to miss areas of an object when using the Quick Selection tool, especially when working in intricate areas such as hands, bits of clothing and so on; irregularities can stick out like a sore thumb - or a missing one. They also have a habit of only showing themselves after we think we've finished the cutout, or worse still, we don't notice them at all! [More]

Photoshop Fashion Retouch Techniques


In this exclusive video author Richard Harrington takes us through some Photoshop techniques he uses for retouching portraits. Including masking hair, refining color and spot healing. [More]

3D Layers with Video in Photoshop


In last week’s tutorial, we looked at Video Masking in Photoshop. Today, we take this project to a whole new dimension – the third dimension – as we learn to apply our video project to the surface of a 3D object. With the video animation playing on the surface of the 3D object, we can create another layer of animation and move it around, adding additional effects for a very flexible and interesting result. [More]

Where to Find Even More from The Photoshop Nuts


We’ve already added a new page to TipSquirrel.com with handy links to The Photoshop Nuts’ own sites but today I’d like to point you toward their other commercial material. With all this 'proper work' they're doing I#d like to publically thank each and every one of them for providing FREE content to this site. They really are as generous as they are talented. [More]

Photoshop Color Range Selections


One of the best ways to make selections in Photoshop CS4, CS5 and CS6, is with the Color Range command. This is especially true for photos that have areas of contiguous color that are [More]

Halloween Photoshop Brushes and Tutorials


Its that time of year again, so here’s a little rundown of some of the goodies we’ve posted here on TipSquirrel in previous years; Halloween Brushes from Janine Smith In this post Janine [More]

September at TipSquirrel.com


TipSquirrel Win Adobe Master Suite CS5.5 To celebrate the launch of Adobe UK Education’s great new competition they’ve kindly given us a copy of Adobe Master Suite CS5.5 Teacher and Student [More]

Noise and Sharpening in Lightroom


This will be a quick and short tutorial today, to show you the benefits of a sharpening mask within Lightroom. I have had a couple of  people ask me about noise in high ISO images and how to [More]

Add Some Drama with Photoshop


Today’s tip is a simple but powerful trick to create a more powerful mood within your photos, using Photoshop with just some adjustment layer and masking techniques. I first saw Eddie Tapp use a [More]

Mastering the Photomerge Command (Part 1)


This is the first part of the tutorial. We’ll be back in 2 weeks with part 2 on how to clean up the panoramic file. If there’s enough comments and interest, I’ll add part 3 on how to bring the file into After Effects as a virtual set. Photomerge is a specialized “mini- application” within Photoshop that assists in combining multiple images into a single photo. You can access it from either Photoshop or Bridge. Depending on the resolution of your sources and the speed of your machine, it can take a while to complete. [More]

Designing with Layer Masks


Over the past few weeks, we’ve looked at selections and masking, and today we will take masking to yet another level, as we create an entire design using nothing but layer masks. If you’ve been [More]

Apply a “Pinch Curve” to Tighten a Layer Mask


Howdy & Hello! As Photoshop continues to improve, our digital workflows become more efficient as we replace old techniques with new features. How many of you have embraced the Refine Edge dialogue commands, or the Adjustment & Masking panels? If you've been reading Michael Hoffman's articles here at TipSquirrel there should be no doubt about the usefulness of those improved features. What happens when you're put in front of an older version of Photoshop WITHOUT those cool new features? A smart person has TipSquirrel bookmarked because you never know when you'll need an old school technique. Let's take a look at how to use a "pinch curve" to choke in a layer mask in Photoshop. [More]
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