Have Fun With Photoshop
Regular readers will know I like to do something a little different with my posts, I figure I’ll leave the tutorials to those that know what they’re doing. So today I’m setting a challenge;
Download the image of the train and process it however you like, either in Lightroom, Photoshop or Photoshop Elements.
Once you’ve created your image upload it to the For Fun Flickr Page with a brief description of what you did.
The download is a zipped file containing both a DNG and Jpeg version. You may use the image for the purposes of this post only.
A little background;
Back in the summer I had the good fortune to be spending the time with one of The Nuts and we went for a little outing to a local beauty spot. We’d heard the train earlier so were taking shots down the line while we waited for it to return. i was persuaded to try out a different lens and was fiddling about trying not to be clumsy and drop it when the train appeared. I ran across the track, turned and shot the above image.
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