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For Fun

Create a Dancing Shadow in Photoshop


Here’s a nifty little tutorial for you. I’ll show you how to add a little extra to your photos with a quirky shadow that can represent the person photographed. I’ve used this a few [More]

The Martian Inspired HAB Photoshop Overlay


I recently went to see the brilliant The Martian, during the film Watney records a video diary using the HAB. I thought it'd be fun to recreate it as a Photoshop overlay for use on my own images and video. Its a simple file, totally editable of course and available to you should you want to have a play. [More]

My Fav Photoshop Easter Egg


An Easter Egg in computer terms is a hidden feature of software that has no effect on the software itself. In Photoshop there's a beauty! [More]

Interactive Photoshop Wordsearch


Ahh that Monday feeling, we need a distraction. Here's a Photoshop related wordsearch to help you through. Best thing is, if you finish and refresh the page it'll be a different puzzle! [More]

Halloween Photoshop Brushes and Tutorials


Its that time of year again, so here’s a little rundown of some of the goodies we’ve posted here on TipSquirrel in previous years; Halloween Brushes from Janine Smith In this post Janine [More]

Have Fun With Photoshop


Regular readers will know I like to do something a little different with my posts, I figure I’ll leave the tutorials to those that know what they’re doing. So today I’m setting a challenge; [More]