Exporting from Bridge CS5 to Social Media sites
Back when Adobe engineers were developing CS4, the social network phenomenon was just hitting the mainstream, and there was no way to predict the popularity of these types of sites. However, in the development cycle for CS5, it was apparent that social media connectivity had to be included, and the result is a direct connection from Adobe Bridge CS5 and Lightroom 3 to several popular photo sharing sites.
In this tip, we’ll take a look at Bridge CS5’s new Export Panel, and we’ll explore the mechanism for uploading images to Facebook, Flickr, and Photoshop.com.
Prerequisite: Adobe Bridge CS5 version 4.0.2 or later
To start with, check your Adobe Bridge CS5 version (click on Help > About Bridge…) and make sure you are using at least version 4.0.2.x – the earlier version that originally shipped with CS5 had an error in which the Export Panel was disabled. If you need to update, you can choose Help > Updates… from Bridge’s menu, or get the download directly from Adobe for Windows or Mac.
Using the Export Panel
Once you have verified you are running 4.0.2.x or later, go ahead and open the Export Panel. You can find this panel in the lower left of the Essentials workspace, or if it isn’t visible, choose Window > Export.
Your Export Panel should show four export modules – the basic building blocks for your export activity. As these are modular, it is entirely possible we will see more export modules become available in the future.
If you don’t see the four modules, click the flyout menu and choose “Manage Modules.”
Make sure all four are checked. If you don’t see the four listed, click the little gear, and from ITS flyout menu, choose “Check for Updates.” When you’re through, click the small “Done” button at the bottom to return to the Export Panel main window.
Configuring a Preset – the hard part
Well, not that hard, just a little tedious. You can start using the export modules directly, but every time you use them you’ll have to go through a long export process. Use presets to streamline this operation, by saving all the work for re-use. You can create multiple presets; for example, you might have several presets for Facebook depending on whether you want to send the images to your wall, or a specific album. We’ll step through the Facebook setup first.
In the Export Panel, highlight “Facebook” and click on the “+” icon at the bottom to Add a new Preset.
The “Add Preset” dialog appears, and the first thing you will need to do is authenticate with Facebook. Note that you will need to authenticate every time you create a new preset, even with the same service, but you won’t need to authenticate when you actually export your images. Click on “Sign In.”
Two things happen: Your browser will be launched, and you’ll see the authentication page from Facebook. You’ll need to enter your credentials, and you can check “Keep me logged in to Adobe Bridge Export Panel.”
Meanwhile, Bridge is waiting for this step to complete. Once you’ve logged in on Facebook, switch back to Bridge and click OK in the authorization dialog:
Now you can see the list of your existing Albums on Facebook. You can choose one of them or even create a new one with this dialog box. In this example, we’ll create a new album to upload some images from Scott Kelby’s Worldwide Photowalk.
In the New Photo Album dialog, we can name the Album, and enter some text for the location and the description of the album. Note that the description will appear on the Facebook album, as well as on the wall posting when you upload. Most importantly, you can set the Privacy here as well. Do you want the album visible to “Everyone,” “Friends of Friends,” or “Only Friends.” For Facebook, I choose “Only Friends.”
Now, make sure the new album is selected, and we move to the second screen in the Add Preset dialog – the Image Options:
Within the Image Options, the first section deals with Image size and quality. You can choose not to resize, or to manually resize. For Facebook, I typically resize my images to a maximum of 800 pixels on a side. Typical Photoshop resampling methods are available, use Bicubic Sharper for down sizing images. Set your image quality as desired.
Be sure to check the box “Always Render From Fullsize Image,” otherwise your image might be generated from a low res preview (why would anyone want that?).
Finally, we have the option to include metadata. You can choose to include everything, Copyright data only, Copyright & Contact Info only, or everything EXCEPT Camera and Camera Raw info.
You can apply a metadata template as well, which can either be appended or can overwrite (replace) data in the image.
And finally, you can even add keywords within the preset. Keep in mind, these keywords apply to every photo you will ever export to this album.
Last but not least, don’t forget to give your preset a name! Make it descriptive, as you will want to have several for each service.
After naming the preset, click “Save” and your preset should appear in the Export panel. Note that presets you create are listed in normal type, while the generic modules are listed in boldface. Here I have three Facebook presets listed, each associated with a different destination:
Exporting your images – the easy part!
Now for the exporting process. Once the preset is created, Exporting is really simple. Just highlight the images you want to export, and drag and drop them on the preset.
At this point, you’ll see a small triangle next to the preset icon, indicating there are images in the queue. Additionally, there is a new “X” icon (Clear the Queue) and an arrow icon (Begin the export job). Before starting the job, you are free to drag additional files. You can even drag files to more than one preset, then fire them all off simultaneously.
Once you’re ready to export to Facebook, simply click the arrow icon. The job will export, and a status window will pop up, showing the progress. If you start multiple export jobs, the status window will show the progress of each.
Once the export is complete, your photos are ready for viewing!
Exporting to Flickr and to Photoshop.com is just as easy. Spend a few minutes to set up your presets in advance, then just drag and drop to upload your photos with a single click from now on. It’s just that simple!
Thanks for the article.
Unfortunately it doesn’t work for me. I’m using Mac…have confirmed have Bridge CS5 v4.2.1x.
You say:
“Make sure all four are checked. If you don’t see the four listed, click the little gear, and from ITS flyout menu, choose “Check for Updates.” When you’re through, click the small “Done” button at the bottom to return to the Export Panel main window.”
I have done this, however I still only have one export module ‘save to hard drive’.
Any help / ideas would be most welcome.
Many thanks
Thanks for the article.
Unfortunately it doesn’t work for me. I’m using Mac…have confirmed have Bridge CS5 v4.2.1x.
You say:
“Make sure all four are checked. If you don’t see the four listed, click the little gear, and from ITS flyout menu, choose “Check for Updates.” When you’re through, click the small “Done” button at the bottom to return to the Export Panel main window.”
I have done this, however I still only have one export module ‘save to hard drive’.
Any help / ideas would be most welcome.
Many thanks
I’ve found the answer on the Adobe forum;-
The Export Modules are only available in Bridge 4.0.2 update.
And please note that PS.com, Flickr and Facebook modules are only available in two product languages: English North America(en_US) and France Canada(fr_CA), which is the language you selected in the point product or suite installation. If you select other languages, like English International(en_GB), when installing a product, you will only see the Save to Hard Drive module.
So I’m out of luck with English GB installed. Ho…hum
I’ve found the answer on the Adobe forum;-
The Export Modules are only available in Bridge 4.0.2 update.
And please note that PS.com, Flickr and Facebook modules are only available in two product languages: English North America(en_US) and France Canada(fr_CA), which is the language you selected in the point product or suite installation. If you select other languages, like English International(en_GB), when installing a product, you will only see the Save to Hard Drive module.
So I’m out of luck with English GB installed. Ho…hum
Thank you so much for this! I spent a few hours last night uploading some pictures to flickr and then to facebook. I was getting annoyed with not having an easy way to link between the two, and I even right-clicked inside Bridge hoping there was a link to flickr at least.
This is going to save me a lot of time, and I’ll be able to share more pictures now.
Thank you so much for this! I spent a few hours last night uploading some pictures to flickr and then to facebook. I was getting annoyed with not having an easy way to link between the two, and I even right-clicked inside Bridge hoping there was a link to flickr at least.
This is going to save me a lot of time, and I’ll be able to share more pictures now.
Every thing it’s fine, but it dosen’t recognise my facebook albums 🙁
What should i do?
Every thing it’s fine, but it dosen’t recognise my facebook albums 🙁
What should i do?
I’ve been searching around for ways to do this on Mac OS 10.6. Either this is only supported on Windows, or I’m missing something basic. I’ve followed all the steps and still, only hard drive appears. Any ideas?
I’ve been searching around for ways to do this on Mac OS 10.6. Either this is only supported on Windows, or I’m missing something basic. I’ve followed all the steps and still, only hard drive appears. Any ideas?
Do you know why the image quality is always stuck on 8? I save and come back and it has returned to 8. The rest of your tutorial makes sense.
Do you know why the image quality is always stuck on 8? I save and come back and it has returned to 8. The rest of your tutorial makes sense.
Tried to export today and got the following {“error”:{“type”:”OAuthException”,”message”:”Error validating application.”}}
Worked a few days ago, any ideas?
Thanks Frank
Hi Frank,
Is this for Facebook? OAuth is the authentication protocol used by Facebook to allow other apps (like Bridge) to access your data. The error is indicating that authentication is failing. This can happen sometimes when servers are down, but can happen if you’ve changed your Facebook settings for allowing 3rd party applications. Is it possible you made changes recently? If worse comes to worse and thus problem persists, you can try creating a new Facebook export preset.
If you still can’t get it working, shout back here and I’ll contact you directly to see if we can get it going.
Hey Michael,
Ran across your post and article here after hunting hours for a fix. aparently facebook blew up thier API again. after reading the above article as a last attempt to reset something anything…. I removed all non essential applications from my facebook account in hopes of adding in bridge to my facebook account. aparently I removed something important NON adobe or bridge i nthe description and as a result I inadvertently deleted all my photos from my facebook account and the comments and posts. HEAVY SIGH!!! this keep getting worse. I cant add in the module again as if I recall months back when setting this all up bridge asked me internally if I wanted to allow permission. Because bridge is broken seriously broken I suspect due to the API being whacked again, I cant get anything working. what a mess. Anyway if there is something i can do to get this working again please advice.
I’m having this same problem. Totally sucks. Has anyone called Adobe yet?
I am just trying for the first time today and I am getting the same error
{“error”:{“type”:”OAuthException”,”message”:”Error validating application.”}}
OK, I’ve had a look at this myself and I can confirm this is happening for me also. Not only that, but in looking at my list of authorized apps on Facebook, I no longer see Bridge listed there at all.
I’ve submitted this as a bug to Adobe, and also submitted it as a third-party-bug issue to Facebook. We’ll have to wait and see what happens.
Interestingly, I’ve tested Lightroom’s publish services today, and LR has no issue posting to Facebook – the problem seems to center directly on Bridge.
Why are these modules only available in the US?
Does Adobe think people outside of the US don’t use flicker and facebook?
The function is crippled in non US installations!
Can I build such modules myself?
The Facebook export functionality was broken by Facebook – Adobe hasn’t been able to get it working since Facebook blacklisted Bridge. This isn’t a US or non-US thing, it’s caused by Facebook and affects everyone. As for Flickr, I didn’t know people outside the US were prevented from using Flickr within Bridge; I’ve not heard this reported before. Can you provide more detail?
Dude, read the third comment down on the page! Yeah it’s a shame it’s not supported Outside US/Canada, although that could be down to some Facebook API restriction? Otherwise seems ridiculous they didn’t add the eng_GB version! Annoying!
I’ve fixed this on mac osx, pretty simple fix really. Previous post gobbled up some of the markup language 😐
Firstly close bridge and navigate to
/Applications/Adobe Bridge CS5/Adobe Bridge CS5.app/Contents/Resources/PublishPanel/factory
using finder or terminal, whichever you like. Then open manifest.xml in your favourite text editor, find the line with locale=”en_US” and copy the four lines with “entry name=” (not the one with Computer_upload.zxp we already have that)
then paste them within the locale block that you are currently using, en_GB or such.
Restart bridge and ta-da the extra export options will be available. I don’t have a blog but can people credit me with this fix since I don’t think it’s documented elsewhere, thanks
Thanks Mick, works on a PC to.
Hi Robin,
Could you please tell me where I can find this file? I’m using Win7 64 and I’m unable to find the file.
I am trying to upload to a smugmug pro acct. I’m new to this and am looking for a way to make this flow easy.
I can upload using Bridge to my personal Facebook page – no problem – easy.
HOWEVER I can find no place to upload to my Business facebook page… Any ideas? I administrate several other pages and it sure would be nice if Adobe could get with it on this.
Thank you ever so much for the tutorial. I was hoping there was a way I could do this dynamically as it is a real time saver. In case anyone in the future has a problem with the export process coming to a grinding halt in regards to Facebook, you may need to exit out of Bridge after configuring it and then open it again. For some reason Bridge stopped exporting after the first of seven photos were uploaded.
I am having the same problem as Michele, I want to upload to my photography business Facebook page, but there seems to be no way to do that. I could do it in Lightroom, why not PS Bridge???
As far as I can see this is just available in North America. Any workarounds for that barrier?
I am in NA and it does not work (it did work with WinXP and PS CS 5) now with windows 7 and CS6 – it works with Flickr so the problem is Facebook- I don’t get this message as it suggests
“Your browser will be launched, and you’ll see the authentication page
from Facebook. You’ll need to enter your credentials, and you can check
“Keep me logged in to Adobe Bridge Export Panel.”
I get error message from FB instead – it won’t let me authenticate – logged out to see if that would fix it- deleted app in FB to see if it would re-install the app- did Manage modules- hit DONE and re-launched Bridge- did update- says no updates needed———- doesn’t work anymore
too bad I have no Lightroom- only spent a mint on the PS6 and lost a feature that I use a lot–