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Workshop – Lighting and Editing for Portrait


This full day workshop will encourage and support attendees to experiment with studio lighting of all kinds. There'll be both flash and continuous lighting available to light the two models. Once you've captured your images you can take them to a spacious classroom adjacent to the studio where you can use Adobe Photoshop to edit them. Two trainers will be on hand, Eric Renno an Adobe Certified Expert in Photoshop and Sian DeCiantis, a Media Lecturer. [More]

Cripes! I’m on The Photoshop Show


Its a pleasure to say that on Tuesday 19th / Wednesday 20th depending on your time zone, I’ll be joining the hosts of The Photoshop Show Jan Kabili, Ron Clifford and Dave Bell as their ‘featured guest’. [More]

We’re Having A TipUp


OK, so I made the phrase up by why just have a Tweet Up? What about our Facebook friends and those that read Tipsquirrel.com on RSS? Besides which, I like to think we’ll swap tips so the name has a kind of ring to it….. doesn’t it? [More]