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Articles by Gavin Hoey

About Gavin Hoey (45 Articles)
Gavin has been a regular contributor to Digital Photo Magazine in the UK since 2003 where he writes “how to...” techniques on photography and Photoshop Elements. His Photoshop lectures are always in demand and he can often be seen popping up at camera clubs all over the UK.

3 Mixer Brush Border Effects


The mixer brush is one of those tools which, as a photographer, I’ve hardly used since it appeared in Photoshop CS5. If you’re an artist that paints, then the mixer brush is a brilliant tool but it can also be used to create simple painted borders even by someone like m,e who will never be able to draw or paint in the real world. [More]

Three Ways to Go Mono in RAW


Do you prefer Black and white or Monochromatic? Whatever you choose to call it, taking away the colour from your photo will completely change it and often for the better. You might be thinking that black and white is just that, black and white? So how can there be more than one way to do it and why would you want to even bother? Well just because mono images only contain shades of grey, that doesn't stop us taking control them and that’s exactly what I’m going to show you in this video. [More]

Selecting Hair in Photoshop Elements 11


Photoshop Elements keeps getting better and better with each new release. With the recent release of Elements 11, Adobe has crammed even more Photoshop’s power into Elements with the addition of [More]

Use Photoshop for a Seamless Action Sequence


Technically an action sequence is a series of photos merged together to show the progression of an object through the frame. Artistically an action sequence is brilliant way to show movement in your photos and make amazingly eye-catching images. [More]

Start to Finish Workflow with Gavin Hoey


There’s photographic potential all around us, that’s one of the amazing things about photography. Usually there’s a direct connection between the distance travelled and the amount of inspiring [More]

32 Bit HDR in Photoshop


HDR, love it or hate it there’s no getting away from the fact that sometimes your camera can’t capture all the tones in a high contrast scene that you see. At that point you’ll need to take more than one image and blend the exposures together and create a more realistic (or surrealistic) image. [More]

Photoshop CS6–The Small Stuff


Photoshop CS6 brings us a whole raft of new and exciting tools to play with and it’s also stuffed full of major improvements. We even get some new filters to play with too. But once you’ve been using the Photoshop CS6 for a while you’ll start to notice lots of small changes. In fact Adobe have made dozens and dozens of little tweaks and enhancements that will probably never make the headlines but may well be incredibly useful. [More]

Photoshop CS6 – Content Aware Move Tool


Photoshop CS6 Beta is out and it’s packed full of new features and improvements to some of the existing tools. In this video I’m going to take a look at something that’s both a brand new tool for Photoshop CS6 Beta and also an enhancement of existing technology. [More]

Solarisation in Photoshop or Lightroom


With all the whizz bang thrills that software such as Photoshop has given us, you’d be forgiven for thinking that it’s Photoshop that’s driven photographers to be creative. But that’s not [More]

Filter Your Photos in Lightroom


If you’re a regular Lightroom user then you’ll know just how fast your Lightroom Catalogue can grow. It’s not unusual to find photographers with tens of thousands of images in a single [More]

How to Record a Photoshop Action


If you’ve never experienced the amazing power of Photoshop actions before, then you may well have missed out on something special. Perhaps you’re one of the many people who have tried the built [More]

Vintage Effect in Adobe Camera RAW


Vintage photo effects are all the rage in photography at the moment. Often they created in mobile apps or in Photoshop, but in this tutorial I’m going to show you a simple vintage effect that can [More]
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